"UIPATH 1"="System\File System\Windows XP Prefetching"
"NAME"="Clear Prefetch Folder (XP)"
"TEXT 1"="Clear Prefetch Folder"
"TEXT 2"="Clear Prefetch Folder (Security Wipe!)"
"DESCRIPTION 1"="This plug-in will totally erase any files in your Windows XP Prefetch folder."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="Windows XP creates a %systemroot%\prefetch folder to select files it loads at system startup. Sometimes this list becomes obsolete or littered with programs you do not wish to have prefetched. Clearing it will reset it and start it out fresh."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="Please note that the first boot after this process will be must slower than the last one, because XP generates the prefetch files again (however, without the useless entries you may had)."
"DESCRIPTION 4"="The second boot-up after using the plug-in will be faster again."
---"DESCRIPTION 2"="If you apply the second option, every file found (except any subfolders, or a file named index.dat) will be filled with garbage before deleting so even an undelete does not show what was inside the files."
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems (CptSiskoX)"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"